January 23, 2008

Dear Diary: it was a moment for the ages...

Shorter K-Lo: "Mmmmrrlllmm, Fred! Ohhhh, Fredfredfredfredfred!"

"We need to deserve to lead. And this is what this is all about; it’s about deserving to lead.”

That was Fred Thompson on Saturday in South Carolina during a sincere, passionate, well-grounded speech that sounded like his farewell to the campaign trail. With his announcement Tuesday afternoon that he has withdrawn his candidacy, we now know it was. It was a bittersweet moment for any conservative ... It was also a moment for the ages — one that every civics class in America should reflect upon: Politics is about policy and service to this great nation; that’s what makes the campaign worthwhile. That’s why you put up with the trophy-wife slanders and Chris Matthews’s questions.

You got the sense from those commentaries that he just gets it. Thank God for Fred Thompson.

Yes, after a tired, barely-there "campaign" he got he was a loser.

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