January 14, 2008

Fred Thompson's hotness factor

No, really, that's the headline. Fred... Thompson's... hotness... factor.

[Granpa McWrinklynutsack] has it all. He has conservative cred. He has experience. He can communicate. He gives journalists the respect they deserve. {Only if they're conservaturds - Ed.}

But there's more. A president has to have a certain je ne sais quoia. Fred has it. He's middle American. He has the slight lilt. He comes across as real. He's likable. Guys can imagine going out for a beer with himb. Girls dig himc.

Now, that above assessment might bug you, but it's important, especially in the general election. Voters dig Alpha Males and so do certain bloggers. Can you imagine going for a beer with Romney, Huckabee, or Paul? No. How about Edwards, Clinton or Obama? Maybe Obama, but it'd be a martini or glass of wine, let's be real hered.

About women. I dig Thompson. He's not conventionally cute. Heck, none of the candidates are that great looking save Romneye. Thompson has that easy talk, the relaxed authority that is fun to be around. He's the guy girls choose and the other dudes marvelf.
-- this embarrassing drivel brought to you by some sperm-burping cow at rightwingnews.com. Let me know in Comments if you would like the link.

aHa ha, a rethug speaking French! Zut alors!
bHere we go again...
cUhhh, that would be "no."
dSigh. What, too "French"? Make up your friggin mind, you fucking twat.
eWillard looks like an assraping mannequin.
fJeebus shit...

Ye gawds.


Anonymous said...

no thanks~!
but really,
thanks anyway!

Anonymous said...

Jesus - - sounds like the writer has some unresolved sexual issues... or something?!? Maybe she works part-time writing the intro-dialogue for porn-films (the 30 seconds at the beginning where the repairman knocks at the door to fix the TV and then...)!?

Always makes me wonder why so many people seem to 'personalize' politics (or let themselves be deluded into doing so) in terms of their choice of candidates? WTF could 'having a beer' with someone tell you about how good of a leader they'd be?? The BEST predictor of what a candidate is going to do is how they've VOTED on bills/motions in the past -- people should base 90% of their vote on that record alone. The baby-kissing/hand-shaking/funny-hat-wearing/speechifying schtick is virtually all irrelevant acting which may or may not have any bearing on their future actions, so it should be ignored.

Anonymous said...

The text is bad enough but the title says it all..."hotness" and "Fred" in the same sentence! Come on, who is doin all the crotch slobberin here?

Anonymous said...

When I worked in downtown Nashville, I used to see Grandpa Fred meandering along the sidewalk. Nobody paid attention to him as he practiced catching chocolate goobers in his mouth. It was quite a sight. Hot? Um, no.

Anonymous said...

Fred's got that strong alpha male thing goin.
Teh hot.
Almost as hot as John Wayne's remains . . . .
about the same, actually.
Think of it as his je ne sais quoi, in a shriveled nutsack.