Just fucking shoot me.
There’s been some speculation that John McCain would consider insufferable quisling Joe Lieberman as his running mate on the Republican ticket. Yesterday, Lieberman dismissed the talk — but raised eyebrows anyway by hinting at which convention he may attend.Well, wtf do you expect???? I mean, Jeebus.
Lieberman told the AP that his endorsement of McCain isn’t a step toward switching parties. “I don’t have any intention of leaving the Democratic Party” [sic], said the longtime Bush rump swab. “I want to be a senator.”
Still, he left open the door to attending the Republican convention if McCain wins the nomination. “I’d probably be more welcome there,” he said.

IF this bothers you, you can blame Move On for this.....steve
Yeah, thanks for the non-sequitur there 'stevereenie'...
Stevereenie, uhhhh, WTF?
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