January 9, 2008

They use that term ironically, right?

Another clueless, childish headscratcher from "americanthinker".com --

"What adult would vote for a totally untested presidential candidate by falling in love?"
Didn't rethugs do this in 2000?
"Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich, Senator Joe Biden, and a million other Democrats -- that's who."
From the Department of Pulling Numbers Out of Our Ass. {And MoDowd's a bitch - Ed.}
The New York Times stable of Leftie pundits is reliving the Decade of Love. The Washington press corps has the teenie bopper hots over Barack Obama -- such a romantic name. A real African! Almost. What does he believe? What has he actually done? Uhmmmm... Well... It's Son of Camelot! And he's got the youth vote! Children just know these things! This is straight out of Dumb and Dumber."
Where do these idiots get this shit? And they get paid for it!
"The childish Left constantly needs someone to adore ..."
As opposed to...

Mitt Romney, "the CEO with movie-star looks," with "shoulders you could land a 747 on" and "great natural charisma"

John McCain, the maverick "war hero and straight shooter"

Fraud Thompson, the gruff, folksy, great-smelling scion of Reagan

Rudy Giuliani: 9/11!!11!!!eleventy!!!
"Boy, do we need the grownups today."


Anonymous said...

Thank you for a much needed guffaw of humor as I crash and burn with the New Year being entirely too much like the old year. The Opus cartoon was just the topper!

Anonymous said...

Maru, you crack me up. The pics you pick for each post are priceless. I don't know where your sources are, but day-am, you are one amazingly funny woman. Keep up the excellent work.