February 7, 2008

Embittered and impotent junkie: "We want to defeat" Democrats!!!

'Bipartisanship is for pussies!' says hate-filled blowhole Rush Limbaugh --

"Now, this is what nobody seems to get. When did the measure of conservatism, when did the measure of success, when did the measure of progress, when did it become reaching out to Democrats?

"Mr. McCain, Ronaldus Magnus {Gawd - Ed.} did reach out to Democrats -- to defeat them! Why is it so hard? I'm serious. This one escapes me. Why is it so hard to understand that what we want is to defeat those people?

"We view those people as threats to the American way of life, as we've always known it.
"We view liberals as a threat to the founding of this country.
"We view them as a threat to the future.
"We view them as a threat to the traditions and institutions that have defined this country's greatness.
"We view them as people who need to be defeated, not worked with. "
Fuck him and fuck his fucking dittoheads. And fuck anyone who still believes we can work with these people. Yeah, screw bipartisanship. Screw all these assholes who've fucked us over these past 12 years. Assrape 'em, skullfuck 'em and then piss on their cringing, supine bodies. Shit. Enough already.


Anonymous said...


Yeah, the FINGER to the Nth Degree!

Fuck reaching across the aisle to work with ReSUCKliTARD Sociopaths, except to yank their sick asses out of Congress, kick the shit out of them at the curb and leave their nutjob butts for vultures to devour their Vulture Corporatism's soulless heartless mindless vile waste of space they all are. Boo hiss puke.

Actually, all you said, Maru: "Assrape 'em, skullfuck 'em and then piss on their cringing, supine bodies. Shit. Enough already." Hear Hear!!

I guess that's a MITTO (A what Maru says ditto).

Anonymous said...

THEY declared war on us.
THEY won't compromise.
THEY can kiss my fucking ass.
If thats the way they want it, so be it, but who is gonna staple the memo to the forehead of every useless house member who goes on and on with the "my esteemed colleague from across the isle" bullshit.
Let Jr. veto everything his little heart desires, and then send him the SAME fucking bills over and over and over again,