February 7, 2008

Honestly, how is it these people still have jobs?

Truthiness: gpuke-ballsucking windbags Chris Matthews and Tim Russert express faux concern about the Democratic party's "lack of broad appeal." (As opposed to repugs' wide base of mouthbreathing neanderthals and cretinous dittomonkeys.)

Truth: Democratic turnout on Super Tuesday exceeded that of the rebooblicans by 75 percent.

"Though the fate of the Democratic race to the nomination remains uncertain, one thing is for sure: voters are turning out for the Democratic primaries in number[s] that absolutely shatter previous records -- which may be a troubling sign for Republicans looking ahead to the general election."

In New Jersey, Democratic primary turnout of 1,104,000 was 69 percent higher than the previous record turnout with 99 percent of precincts reporting.

In Massachusetts, the turnout of 1,170,000 was 48 percent higher than the previous record turnout, with 98 percent of precincts reporting.

In New York, the turnout of 1,744,000 was 11 percent higher than the previous record turnout with 99 percent of precincts reporting.

States in other parts of the country also had record turnouts among Democrats. According to the Political Ticker, Missouri exceeded its prior record by 47 percent -- and voters in the Democratic primary outnumbered voters in the Republican primary by 200,000. The prior record for Democratic votes in an Arizona primary was 239,000, a number it had already surpassed by 31 percent with 67 percent of precincts reporting.

GOP turnout was estimated to be 20 percent to 24 percent, about half the turnout of 40 percent in 2000, when Republicans gave McCain a win over George W. Bush.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Gee, Stupie IS a uniter, after all.