February 8, 2008

GOP moral values

♬Smokin' (dick) in the boys' room♬... Yet another rethuglican caught soliciting gay sex. How fucking stupid do you have to be...??

Joey DiFatta, chairman of St. Bernard Parish Council and a prominent Republican leader, has withdrawn from his state senate race, after his arrests for lewd behavior in a public restroom were made public.

The police report said DiFatta slid his foot into the deputy’s stall and tapped the deputy’s foot -- such activity is common among gay men to indicate a willingness to participate in sex.

The deputy inside the stall, Detective Wayne Couvillion, responded by tapping his foot, and DiFatta reached under the partition and began to rub the deputy’s leg, the report states.

The detective asked DiFatta, 'What do you want?' according to the report, and he replied, 'I want to play with you.'"
Next: DiFatta finds Jeebus, forgiveness from his stepford wife, quickly-hushed giggling at work.

In other news, gay Sen Larry Craig is still not gay.


Undeniable Liberal said...

You're fucking killing me....and the keyboard too!!

ThePoliticalCat said...

No fair, Maru. That hurt (larfin', I mean).

Anonymous said...

Oh my darlin
tap three times on my foot if you'll blow me
twice on the stall if the answer is no
oh my sweetness
(tap, tap, tap)
means you'll suck it in the hallway
twice on the stall means you ain't gonna show