February 8, 2008

Poised for a political comeba...

The popular war preznit has regained his footing... oh, I'm sorry, Mr Broder, make that "Bush hits bottom in new poll." The Duh Institute reports:

It's almost as if people can barely stand the thought of Preznit CrashTestDummy and Congress anymore. Bush reached his lowest approval rating in the Associated Press-Ipsos poll on Friday as only 30 percent said they like the job the Disaster Monkey is doing, including an all-time low in his support by Republicans. Congress' approval fell to just 22 percent, equaling its poorest grade in the survey. Both marks dropped by 4 percentage points since early January.

Bush also hit a new low in this month's poll for his work on issues like health care, energy, the environment and breathing, getting approval from 27 percent of moron-America, a 7-point tumble since January. Thirty-three percent approved of his handling of the war in Iraq.
Bonus: Bunnypants' approval dropped after the SOTU speech. The Bush legacy: total, incontrovertable failure.

1 comment:

ThePoliticalCat said...

We need one of your "fail" pix. They're all great.