February 26, 2008

wHoward Kurtz's conflicting interests, jar of anal lube

Regular readers of WTF know of my total disdain and disgust with the WaComPo's so-called "media critic." So I clapped my little hands in glee when I found this article, which re-confirms why wHoreward continues to be one of the most pathetic knobgobbling douchewipes on this or any other planet:

"His triple roles as salaried press critic for the Post, salaried host on CNN, and enthusiastic dongchomper for young(ish) republicans put Howie at the heart of the most blatant and longest-lasting conflict of interests I know of in big-time, mainstream journalism." (slightly paraphrased)

"There are two lessons from Kurtz's career. First of all, there is never any penalty for a Washington reporter who relentlessly sucks up to the right. Secondly, his extraordinary productivity is vastly more important to his editors than his blatant conflicts of interest—and his dreadful judgement.

"The Kurtz brand has gotten so large that he's routinely allowed to violate some of journalism's most basic principles—and his superiors don't even seem to notice anymore."
-- Charles Kaiser.

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