March 7, 2008

From the Corners of My Mind

Remember when Smirky Von Chimpenfurerher was campaigning in 2000 and saying that, since he is an oilman and a tough guy who everybody would like to have a beer with, would just tell OPEC to keep oil prices down.

THAT worked out well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just stopped to think as to whether or not I could name ONE(1) NOTABLE 'OK' thing (not even 'good - - but just 'OK', from the perspective of a friendly, non-exploitative human being) that W has done in his reign. I personally can't think of one, but I might have missed it because I can't stomach the MSM's Neo-con indulgent/commercial bias.

I know the Repukes could probably dredge up some worthwhile rider that was attached to some huge budget bill that W unknowingly signed -- even a blind squirrel is going to find an acorn once-in-awhile. But as far as a significant issue or law or ruling that W has ACTIVELY promoted (ie; like his wars, for instance) repeatedly, I can not think of one item that I agreed with. Can anyone else come up with one?