March 14, 2008

Get Off My Gaddamn Lawn!!!

Presidential fluffer and economic genius John McInsane his own words, from the January South Carolina debate:

“I don’t believe we’re headed into a recession,” he said, “I believe the fundamentals of this economy are strong and I believe they will remain strong. This is a rough patch, but I think America’s greatness lies ahead of us.”
Epic Fail:
The US economy has already fallen into a recession, according to a majority of economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal published Thursday.“The evidence is now beyond a reasonable doubt,” said Scott Anderson of the bank Wells Fargo. Anderson was among the 71 percent of 55 economists asked to assess the state of the economy who agreed it is already in recession.
But wait until those "tax-rebate" checks start coming. Weeeeee!!!!!

I've got your economic stimulus right here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We should be prepared for complete denial from the corporate ruling-class on this issue, as long as it doesn't affect them. If it does affect them, chances are they'll be eaten by their own and we'll never hear from them.