“I find the idea of paying a war criminal $40,000 putrid.” Dude!
Porcine scumwad Karl Rove jeered by America-hating Islamocommiefrancodefeatohomofascists at University of Iowa Sunday.
Rove, who was paid $40,000 to speak, was confronted with an at-times hostile crowd of 1,000, and was interrupted on several occasions.
At one point during the speech, Rove reportedly lashed out at some of the students, saying, "You got a chance to ask your questions later and make your stupid statements, let me make mine."
Police also were forced to remove two people after they tried to perform a citizen’s arrest on Rove for what they said were his crimes while a member of the Bush Administration.
Toward the end of the speech a member of the crowd yelled, "Can we have our $40,000 back?"

War Criminal? Really? You libs need a reality check.
Classy guy, that Karl. I'd be demanding my money back too. Actually, I'd like for this country to get back the last 8 years.
"War Criminal? Really? You libs need a reality check."
Nobody said "War criminal". Except you. Powerful thing, that subconscious.
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