Nothing to see here, move along...
After an acrimonious investigation that spanned four years, the Senate Intelligence Committee is preparing to release a detailed critique of the Bush [mis]administration's claims in the buildup to war with Iraq, congressional officials said.Really?!? No, not really!
In many cases, the claims that were later proven wrong were largely in line with US intelligence assessments at the time, the report said.Uh-huh. It was the CIA's fault, just like Bush and Cheney said.

Greeted as liberators: meanwhile, Dougie Feith, "the stupidest fucking guy on the planet" and an architect of the war in Iraq, has written a new book accusing Colin Powell, the CIA and others of botching the invasion and occupation.

Don't ya love it when the sharks start biting-off each other's tail during the feeding frenzy they work themselves into trying to blame everyone but themselves?? It'd be amusing if so many people hadn't died because of it...
Tommy Franks was right.He is the stupidest fucking guy on the planet.
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