April 16, 2008

'Froomkin'... wut kinda name is that fer an American?

The Froomster: "nothing these people say at this point should be taken at face value"

"The Bush administration's latest story line about Iraq -- that Iran is now the primary problem there -- should be greeted with profound skepticism.

"Not only is it the latest in a series of rationales for U.S. involvement in Iraq, most of which have turned out to be based on flawed intelligence, misrepresentations or outright dishonesty.
-- read more here.


Anonymous said...

I.... Can't ... believe it.

You mean there are still people out there who believe ANYTHING this admin. has to say?.. on ANY subject?


Anonymous said...

Exactly right toy! I wouldn't even listen to them if they said they were WRONG about everything, because you'd KNOW that it was a setup for a scam! Sensible people will stop listening to sources that are CONTINUALLY proven wrong and that have an obvious self-centered agenda! Hell, listening to the W crowd & their Neo-con buddies is on par with listening to known con-men/extortionists -- you just never will win. How many fucking times does it take people before they learn???