April 3, 2008


ABC News Senior National Correspondent Jake Tapper has a hot news tip related to the Democratic primary that voters MUST know: b. HUSSEIN Osama is smokin'!!
As usual, Tapper failed to ask the critical follow-up question: has he started again? And the next question: who gives a flying fuck?

If he can't win the battle with nicodine addiction, what is he going to do when al Qeada calls at 3 A.M.?


Anonymous said...

Thats easy. He is going to light a cigarette, inhale deeply, exhale forcefully then give the crisis the serious thought it deserves and respond in an intelligent, nuanced manner with all endorphins happily triggered. He will not react in a knee jerk fashion with some half baked strategy because he really wants a drink, is paniced and desperate, or is too senile to realize it is a crisis. Simple questions.

Anonymous said...

Just a thought--can he put them on his Do Not Call list?

Undeniable Liberal said...

The white house seems to get alot of phone calls at 3 A.M.
Whoooda thunk it?

Anonymous said...

(follow-on to UL's comment) And WHERE were was all this purported Repuklican 'concern' about 3 AM phone calls when they were campaigning for lame-brains like Ronnie Reagan or W??

BTW -- another excellent article by DMG! http://www.regressiveantidote.net/Articles/The_Swiftboating_of_Barack_Obama.htm

Anonymous said...

yay! anonymous nails it!

Anonymous said...

Wow, anonymous, good one. Guess that's why you're always being quoted.