April 16, 2008

Straight-talking maverick asked tough questions on campaign trail

Rarely does that manly maverick St John McCain not have an answer, gushes one of his biggest fans, the AP's Liz "please sit on my face!!1!" Sidoti from her wet seat on the Senile Express...

A second student raised Hillary Rodham Clinton's weekend visit to an Indiana bar, where she knocked back a shot of whiskey.

"I was wondering if you think that she's finally resorted to hitting the sauce just because of some unfavorable polling. And I was also wondering if you would care to join me for a shot after this?" the student asked.

Hoots and hollers came from the audience. McCain laughed, too.

♥♥ ♥♥ "I did not see the clip of it but I certainly heard about it, and whatever makes Senator Clinton happy is ... is certainly, uh, certainly ...," McCain said with a broad smile, chuckling and raising his eyebrows.♥♥ ♥♥

"You know, I've had two of the best questions, or the toughest questions that I have ever had in the last two questions," he said.

♥♥ Gosh, he's so dreamy...! I not only want to have a beer with him, but a baby, too... sigh...♥♥

Meanwhile, islamocommieterrist B Hussein Osama was probably off being bitter somewhere, plotting the destruction of America. Jeebus.

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