And, of course, blame the Democrats. A tearful John "Boner" Boehner (R-Ectum) cries:
"Washington is broken. You need look no further than $4 per gallon for gas to see how political gamesmanship in Washington is impacting your life. Two years ago, congressional Democrats promised “change” but what we’ve seen instead is business-as-usual..."
Ah, the party that was going to bring back accountability to Washington. Meanwhile, a CNN talking head ponders:
"It's hard to imagine now, but in 1999 gasoline sold for 90 cents a gallon. How'd we get from there to $4 a gallon?"
Hmmmmm... let's see... what could have happened in the meantime....
Here's a fucked fact: the gpukes have taken to "reminiscing fondly" about the good ol' days when they were led by a totally corrupt scumbag:
"Tom DeLay had a lot of problems, but he got the job done. Boehner needs a little more DeLay in him,” a rethuglican source told Politico.Good Christ.

What happened is that Bush, Delay, and their droids that we Americans voted for blew our wad on Iraq and "The War on Terror." No cash? Just borrow the money to keep playin'! Can't have a great fuckfest without a few STD's.
Of course it's pointless to respond directly to the Repukes because virtually NONE of what they say actually corresponds to reality -- it's all temporary posturing which will usually be gone next week when they're lying about something else.
But all one has to do is to remember back to the early-mid '90s when the Reboobs almost shut down the government with their 'Contract on America' and their gamesmanship over the budget. Or their actions over the judicial appointments and the changing of the rules for filibusters, etc. 'Gaming' the system IS the Repuke strategy because most people wouldn't vote for them if they understood the economic ramifications of their 1890's approach to politics!
yeah, and one day soon we'll be asking "how did we get from $4 a gallon in 2008 to $9.78 a gallon in 2010? or 09? or December of 08???
it's headed in that direction on a down hill out of control speed of light breaking pace! Coming to a petrol station near you, and SOON!
talk about your FUBAR!!!!
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