From CNN:
The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joe Biden, D-Delaware, called President Bush’s comments accusing Sen. Barack Obama and other Democrats of wanting to appease terrorists "bullshit” and said if the president disagrees so strongly with the idea of talking to Iran then he needs to fire his secretaries of State and Defense, both of whom Biden said have pushed to sit down with the Iranians. [...]Talking with a grin while wiping off his man chowder drenched chin, Joe Lieberman predicatably disagreed by stating "mmmrrrlllppphhh" and added:
“He’s the guy who’s weakened us. He’s the guy that’s increased the number of terrorists in the world. His policies have produced this vulnerability the United States has. His intelligence community pointed that out not me. The NIE has pointed that out and what are you talking about, is he going to fire Condi Rice? Condi Rice has talked about the need to sit down. So his first two appeasers are Rice and Gates. I hope he comes home and does something.”
President Bush got it exactly right today when he warned about the threat of Iran and its terrorist proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah. And don't call me a dirty cocksucker because the President's tiny cock is always clean.If Joe Lieberman picked his nose for more than five minutes his head would cave in. There has never been a time, nor will a time ever come, that George W Bush will get anything “exactly right.” Get a clue, asswipe......what bullshit.

If Joe Lieberman picked his nose for more than five minutes his head would cave in.
Well.....that's what he sounds like. all stuffed up and whiney. Like a mofo.
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