Sen. Joe Biden on Bush's speech:
"This is bullshit, this is malarkey. This is outrageous, for the president of the United States to go to a foreign country, to sit in the Knesset ... and make this kind of ridiculous statement.
“He’s the guy who’s weakened us. He’s the guy that’s increased the number of terrorists in the world. His policies have produced this vulnerability the United States has. His intelligence community pointed that out, not me. The NIE has pointed that out and what are you talking about, is he going to fire Condi Rice? Condi Rice has talked about the need to sit down. So his first two appeasers are Rice and Gates. I hope he comes home and does something.”
“He’s the guy who’s weakened us. He’s the guy that’s increased the number of terrorists in the world. His policies have produced this vulnerability the United States has. His intelligence community pointed that out, not me. The NIE has pointed that out and what are you talking about, is he going to fire Condi Rice? Condi Rice has talked about the need to sit down. So his first two appeasers are Rice and Gates. I hope he comes home and does something.”
Philadelphia Daily News: The Dictator-tot "committed political treason today."
"And you, Mr. Bush, are the leader of us all. To use a diplomatic setting on foreign soil to score a cheap political point at home is way beneath your office, way beneath your country, and way beneath the people you serve. You have been handed an office once uplifted to great heights by fellow countrymen from Washington to Lincoln to Roosevelt to Eisenhower, and have plunged it so deeply into the Karl-Rove-and-Rush-Limbaugh-fueled world of political destruction and survival of all costs that have lost all perspective — and all sense of decency. To travel to Israel and to associate a sitting American senator and your possible successor in the Oval Office with those who at one time gave comfort to an enemy of the United States is, in and of itself, an act of political treason...
"I believe this treacherous statement by a U.S. president in Israel is a signal to the Democrats in the House in Washington, that it's time to play its Constitutional role in ending this trauma, before even greater acts against the interest of America are wrongly committed in our name."
"I believe this treacherous statement by a U.S. president in Israel is a signal to the Democrats in the House in Washington, that it's time to play its Constitutional role in ending this trauma, before even greater acts against the interest of America are wrongly committed in our name."
Nancy Pelosi: Bush comments 'beneath the dignity of the office'
"“I think what the President did in that regard was beneath the dignity of the office of the president and unworthy of our representation at that observance in Israel. And I would hope that any serious person would disassociate himself from the President’s remarks who aspires to leadership in our country.”
Hillary: Where's my damn nutcracker...
"Offensive and outrageous, especially in light of his failures in foreign policy."
John Kerry:
"First, it's absolutely shameless that an American President would use a speech in front of a foreign government to launch such a petty political attack. President Bush has abused the dignity of the office in ways that make especially ironic his long ago pledge to "restore dignity and integrity to the Oval office."
"Perhaps worse -- he's not even right on the facts, and he knows it."
"Perhaps worse -- he's not even right on the facts, and he knows it."
Brent Budowsky: That little asswipe demeans the Presidency:
"It is astounding and possibly unprecedented for an American president to make partisan cheap-shot attacks on a domestic opponent while in a foreign land. Only George Bush is so unwise, so partisan, and so low-road to do what Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Bush 41 and Bill Clinton have never done...
"George Bush is not only the man historians will probably call the worst president in history, he is already the worst former president in history, leaving a legacy of catastrophes, crises, failures and trillion-dollar disasters for his successor."
"George Bush is not only the man historians will probably call the worst president in history, he is already the worst former president in history, leaving a legacy of catastrophes, crises, failures and trillion-dollar disasters for his successor."
Dem congressman Rahm Emanuel:
"The tradition has always been that when a U.S. President is overseas, partisan politics stops at the water's edge. President Bush has now taken that principle and turned it on its head: for this White House, partisan politics now begins at the water's edge, no matter the seriousness and gravity of the occasion. Does the president have no shame?"
AmericaBlog: How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power:
"Nazi, appease thyself. George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany...
Via teh intarwebs: David Shuster, on today's Morning Joe, twice referred to Bush's remarks as "grotesque."
Crooks 'n' Liars has the video of Jon Stewart going off on the miserable little twirp.

I thought Obama put it best when he suggested that he did not think Dumbya could do anything to surprise him but he was wrong.
il ducebag from crawford knew he could get away with it in israel -- in any other country the audience would have booed or walked out
If I were Bush, I wouldn't want to be throwing around the example of Hitler invading Poland vis-a-vis the Middle East too much - - even the American sheeple MIGHT start realizing that the Germany/Hitler role might be a LOT more appropriately applied to the US/Bush in Iraq(soon Iran?), instead of Iran/Israel. After all, when it comes to international aggression, it's hard to beat a country that goes to the other side of the world and attacks various oil-rich countries, always purportedly 'protecting them' from some evil or another.
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