For the love of crap. They can turn away nuns, for petessake, but let assclowns like these in. What... the... fuck?? There ought to be a law against people this fucking stupid --
"I'm kind of still up in the air between McCain and Hillary," burped Jason "jackass" Jenkins, 32, who cited information from a hoax e-mail as a reason to spurn Obama. "I'll be honest with you. Barack scares the hell out of me,"he said. "He swore on the Koran."Fuckwit.
Obama did manage to pull in many white voters, but still encountered similar sentiments from a man who refused to shake his hand at a diner in Greenwood, Ind.Good God.
"I can't stand him," the man said. "He's a Muslim. He's not even pro-American as far as I'm concerned."

The media keeps hyping the exit poll data that nearly 50% of Clinton's supporters said they will not vote for Obama in the general. Your quote highlights the question that they should be asking of Clinto supporters: Will you vote for her in the general? She has only managed to eke out vitories in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana by running as Bush lite.
Good God is right.
Obama can't win unless he carries at least whites or Hispanics in the general election. His only hope is to
get at least 300% of the black vote.
It makes one realize that while about half of our political problems in this country are from corrupt leaders, the other half of the problems stem from (what I'm becoming convinced is..) willful, intentional ignorance on behalf of around half of the electorate.
So now we're in a descending spiral of self-reinforcing behaviors - - - politicians that MIGHT want to do the right thing feel they have to pander to the lowest common denominator in order to stay in office, which makes a lot of the voters cynical and less interested / aware of politics and more prone to stupid propaganda, which makes politicians pander more, etc, etc...
If you caught the latest movie Harold and Kumar, it showed exactly the sentiment that you have explored in this post.
I think most people don't really understand the entire truth and the media is partly to blame for all these.
Sometimes people do understand more than the media chooses to give them credit for, but intelligent minds aren't necessarily equated with media spin. I've seen local reporters work small crowds looking for good quotes. They always seem to zoom in on those who look as though they just wandered in from Planet Redneck, and it works. How many times do you see a man or woman wearing a business suit interviewed for these stories?
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