May 15, 2008

Oh boo-fucking-hoo

After a string of losses and eight years of corruption, cronyism and incompetency, Republicans, panicking, face a crisis --

A trio of special-election losses for House Republicans has raised serious doubts about their electoral outlook this November and could fuel increasing dissension between the caucus and [the brainless twirp in the White House who they've gleefully backed these past 8 years], who now may be their biggest liability.

In a 20-page memo, Rep. Tom Davis (R-ectum) said the political atmosphere for Republicans "is the worst since Watergate" and has deteriorated since Republicans lost 30 seats and control of the chamber in 2006.

Cry me a fucking river.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, exactly Maru! Maybe after I mourn for all the 1 million dead Iraqis, the 3-4 million displaced and the millions that go without basic utilities, or the 4000 dead US soldiers, the 30,000+ seriously wounded, the 3000+ US civilians killed on 9/11, etc ad nauseum -- after I'm all done crying for them, then I'll shed a tear for the poor Repukes who caused SO much of it, or were criminally negligent and casually let it happen, such as the aftermath of Katrina, etc, and their electoral problems.

And I wonder how long it'll be before we start hearing all their 'heartfelt pleas for bi-partisanship' and 'understanding of the minority party's position'(strangely without the belligerent 'fuck-you/get-over-it' tone that has endeared them to SO many people over the last 8 yrs). Undoubtedly they'll plead for a place at the political table to 'help solve the serious problems we have in the US', never acknowledging that THEIR POLICIES have been a MAJOR factor in causing those same problems! Assholes!

Anonymous said...

DDT, aerial spraying, flame throwers, release of sterilized bleach-blonde cowgirls, cash bounties for severed ears, whatever it takes.

These insects make cockroaches and malaria mosquitos seem positively benign.