May 13, 2008

Support the Cannon Fodder Troops!

Nothing says support the troops better than America's American straight talking maverick John McSame's G.I. bill that gives our troops fewer benefits than the Webb bill:

Funny, then, that the benefits in McCain's bill fall well short of those provided by the proposal he refused to endorse. That bill, sponsored by Sens. James Webb (D-Va.) and Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.), offers Iraq and Afghanistan vets full tuition, room, board and supplies at any state school, despite the cost. It also makes no distinction between active-duty troops and members of the Guard and Reserves -- a provision added in recognition of the unprecedented reliance of today's volunteer military on those service-members.In fact, one of the central criticisms of the Webb-Hagel bill -- from both the White House and many congressional Republicans -- is that it's too generous, and therefore will encourage service-members to abandon the military in favor of college. Offer a lesser benefit package, the theory goes, and the troops are more likely to stay in their boots.
But McCain is right, the military has a real retention and enlistment problem. He should campaign on outsourcing more jobs and ruining the economy so that young people will have no choice but to enlist.
Why does that elderly man hate our troops so much?

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