July 2, 2008

The 10 most awesomely bad moments of the Bush presidency

Rated by Brad at Alternet on "two main criteria: its body count and its damage to the country's reputation" --

10: Bush Gets Re-elected
9: Alberto Gonzales’ Congressional Testimony
8: North Korea Conducts a Nuclear Test
7: Colin Powell’s Bogus WMD Presentation at the U.N.
6: The Terri Schiavo Affair
5: Bush and Condi’s Excellent Gaza Adventure
4: “Brownie, You’re Doing a Heckuva Job”
3: Abu Ghraib
2: 9/11
1: “Mission Accomplished”

Runners-up include:

1. warrantless wiretapping
2. Valerie Plame
3. Scooter Libby's sentence commuted
4. loyalty oaths
5. the fake turkey
6. staged teleconference with troops
7. staged FEMA press conference
8. record budget deficits
9. record trade deficits
10. record number of Americans without health insurance
11.two recessions
12. bin Laden still at large
13. waterboarding ban vetoed
14. "Last throes"
15. "It's hard work"
16. "Bring it on"
17."Yo, Blair!"
18. "I'm the decider"
19."I'm the commander guy"
20."I'm a war president"
21."This is the guy who tried to kill my dad"
22. John Bolton; Kenny Boy; Harriet Miers; John Roberts; Sam Alito
23. Cheney shoots some guy in the face

... and those are just a few from the list. Not mentioned were "freedom fries," "greeted as liberators," "turning another corner" or choking on "a pretzal." 

Or Tipsy McStaggers telling the Holy Pontiff "awesome speech!" or the Filipina President "I am reminded of the great talent of the -- of our Philippine-Americans ever' time I eat dinner at the White House." 

Or calling a NY Times columnist a "major-league asshole." Or yelling "stop waving the Constitution in my face, it's just a goddamn piece of paper!"

But we could be here all day!


Anonymous said...

Jebus, Maru.
I'd forgotten some of that.

Need to copy and paste and study daily to memorize the long and illegal/stupid list and I LIVED THROUGH THE CHIT!!!!!


i's jist MASSIVE!!!
is all


Anonymous said...

Whew. Seeing the compiled list--

All I can say is, times like this, I'm glad vodka comes in half-gallon bottles.

Anonymous said...

So many I've forgotten too....ahhh memories, misty watered colored(from lmao) memories....but depressing as all get out too...anyway, I'm thinking of those deck of cards for the Iraqi leaders we had going and how Junior kept the pictures of the bad guys and x'd out their photos when they were captured or killed...gawd pa.the.tic. Keep up this list and post it again from time to time...someone should keep a running tab going.