July 2, 2008

Yes, somebody actually said this

And not in the form of a joke, either:

"If Barack Obama can’t control his own surrogate operation, how can he be trusted to run the country?"
Gawd. That was McCain spokesweasel Brian Rogers, hyperventilating after Jim Webb said McInsane should “calm down” in regards to using his military service in the campaign. Rogers, who allegedly wears women's undergarments and has a string of restraining orders against him in the midwestern farm belt, has obviously not been helped by his current regimen of anti-psychotics.

Lots more here, but having a few drinks in you first might help.

On a positive note, the Columbia Journalism Review bitchslaps the ballgargling yamholes of the McM:

"It’s crucially important that we have a political debate in this country that’s at least sophisticated enough to be able to handle the following rather basic idea: Arguing that a person’s record of military service is not a qualification for the presidency does not constitute “attacking” their military credentials; nor can it be described as invoking their military service against them, or as denying their record of war heroism.

That’s not a very high bar for sophistication. But right now it’s one the press isn’t capable of clearing."

Indeed. Senator Obama:

"I guess my question is why, given all the vast numbers of things that we’ve got to work on, that that would be a top priority of mine?" Obama said, responding to a reporter who asked the candidate why he hadn’t called on Wesley Clark to apologize for his remarks yesterday.

"I’m happy to have all sorts of conversations about how we deal with Iraq and what happens with Iran, but the fact that somebody on a cable show or on a news show like Gen. Clark said something that was inartful about Sen. McCain I don’t think is probably the thing that is keeping Ohioans up at night."


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