July 7, 2008

Bush Justice Dept. sued over political bias

Armed with solid grades, glowing recommendations and a pair of internships, Sean Gerlich confidently applied to the Justice Department honors program two years ago, only to get a rejection letter, telling him the position was going to an unqualified slackjawed rethuglican hack.

Three other lawyers who contacted a reporter after reading the inspector general's report said they, too, have a hunch they were screened and rejected from the honors program for political reasons. Gerlich said he hopes that others will join the lawsuit and turn it into a class-action dispute.
It'll be interesting to see how far this goes, like if these people suddenly get audited by the IRS or have their homes toiletpapered by michelle malkin's mouthbreathers or something.

Fun fact: "Hiring improprieties violate Justice Department policy and civil service laws, but they do not carry criminal penalties. Statements that former Justice officials made under oath to investigators and to Congress, however, could be subject to review for possible perjury and obstruction of justice."

Fucked fact: our no-nothing, pussy-assed Congress. Right.


Anonymous said...

We had an excellent local attorney here have the same experience. His eloquent op-ed about the issue can be found here:


I find it interesting, too, that the comments after the article included quite a few critics who obviously have no idea what being a staff attorney actually means.

I can vouch for the guy. He's very bright and capable.

Anonymous said...

I thought that these Repuke-licans were ALL ABOUT 'MERIT', and creating a 'MERITOCRACY'!? Aren't they the ones who are SHOCKED by affirmative action programs because a minority with a slightly lower gradepoint might be chosen over other applicants for college entry? And aren't they SHOCKED when unions sometimes protect workers who aren't giving "110%" like the managers ALWAYS are?? I'm sure they wouldn't countenance such a flagrant case of cronyism / the spoils system!

Unless of course their protestations are ALL just empty bullshit that they're throwing out to obfuscate things...