Conservative "Christian" leader James Dobson has abandoned his principles and gone back on his word to never, under any circumstances, support John McCain.
“I never thought I would hear myself saying this,” Dobson said in a radio broadcast. “While I am not endorsing that flipflopping RINO, the possibility is there that I might.
“Barack Obama contradicts and threatens everything I believe about the institution of the family and what is best for the nation. His radical positions on life, marriage and national security force me to reevaluate the candidacy of our only other choice -- that adulterous, womanizing divorcee that abandoned his children to marry that rich trollop, John "bomb 'em back into the stone age" McCain.”

1 comment:
"adulterous, womanizing divorcee"..
Whew! I thought for a second you were referring to St. Ron of Reagan. Like anything like that would have happened!
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