July 15, 2008

The Pander Express -- McCain adjusts POW anecdote to fit the moment

In Pittsburgh:

"When I was first interrogated and really had to give some information because of the physical pressures that were on me, I named the starting lineup, the defensive line, of the Pittsburgh Steelers as my squadron-mates."
Green Bay:
"Pressed [by my interrogators] for more useful information, I gave the names of the Green Bay Packers offensive line, and said they were members of my squadron."
"When I was interrogated and had to give information under threat of torture, I named Fred Astaire, Ray Bolger and Gene Kelly as my squadron-mates."
Well, sort of. Anyhoo, a McCain spokesman called the doddering candidate's substitution of the Steelers for the Packers a "memory lapse," and how dare you impugn his heroism, you commie.

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