Paul Krugman's advice to Senators Obama and Biden: Attack! Attack! Attack!
Fuck this 'nice guy' stuff. Broadcast the truth about McMansions: that he's one of the haves, a gigolo with a sugar-daddy wife, a private lake, a private jet, $600 shoes, 12 homes, and a nine-car motorcade to take him to get a cup of coffee.
Because he never had coffee while he was being whipped by gay sadists in 'Nam. Just that shitty, fuckingly-awful herbal tea crap.
So the Obama campaign has turned to the politics of personal destruction, attempting to make a campaign issue out of John McCain’s inability to remember how many houses he has. And the turn comes not a moment too soon.
The squealing from the usual suspects demonstrates how much the Obama counterattack has the G.O.P. worried. Back in 2004 Fox News described John Kerry as “one of the haves” with a “billionaire wife”; now it asks whether raising the issue of Mr. McCain’s houses is “bashing the American dream.”
The Obama campaign doesn’t need to convince voters either that he’s the awesomest candidate ever or that McCain is a villain. All it has to do is tarnish McCain’s image enough so that voters see this as a race between a Democrat and a Republican. And that’s a race the Democrat will easily win.
The squealing from the usual suspects demonstrates how much the Obama counterattack has the G.O.P. worried. Back in 2004 Fox News described John Kerry as “one of the haves” with a “billionaire wife”; now it asks whether raising the issue of Mr. McCain’s houses is “bashing the American dream.”
The Obama campaign doesn’t need to convince voters either that he’s the awesomest candidate ever or that McCain is a villain. All it has to do is tarnish McCain’s image enough so that voters see this as a race between a Democrat and a Republican. And that’s a race the Democrat will easily win.
More here.

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