Shit on toast. Out of control much? I know: instead of sending the Former Prisoner of War to the White House, lets send him some kitchen tables --
Former Prisoner of War John McCain, who often invokes his ordeal as a Vietnam war prisoner to avoid explaining his many gaffes, lies and flipflops, brought it up again on Monday after celebrity Jay Leno asked him on air how many houses he owns.'Not only that, my friends, but my captors were homos.'
"I spent 5 1/2 years in a prison cell without -- I didn't have a house. I didn't have a kitchen table. I didn't have a table. I didn't have a chair," the former POW said in his 13th celebrity appearance on the Tonight Show.
"We spend our time in a condominium in Washington, a condominium in Phoenix, some time over here at our estates in California and then up to Arizona, thanks to that cunt's private jet" said McMoneybags, tring to deflect criticism that he's out of touch with working families -- the ones making less than five million.
As a POW, McCain was beaten by gay sadists.His body may have been broken, but his gaydar was working just fine, thank you very much --
[A]ll his captors were homosexuals who got off on whipping him. No, that is not made up.
"When they were told to beat you they would come in and do it. Some seemed to get a big bang out of it. A lot of them were homosexual, although never toward us. Some, who were pretty damned sadistic, seemed to get a big thrill out of the beatings."
The insinuation that John McCain -- a Former Prisoner of War who was beaten by gay sadists -- is using his Former Prisoner of War experience to sidestep the issues is outrageous.
Some of the comments here are hysterical. Offensive, but hysterical.

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