And another rethuglican sick fucker
Missouri state Rep. Scott Muschany(R-Sickfuck), was indicted today in connection with a reported sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl on May 17, the day after this year's Legislative session ended.The alleged victim is the daughter of a state employee. The girl's mother and Muschany -- who is married and has two children -- were romantically involved, the woman said.What is the fucking deal with these sexually repressed sick fucks? Is it that they couln't get laid until they were in their thirties by an aging old semi toothless hooker and now they want to make up for lost time? I bet that he actually thinks this 14 y.o. "asked for it." And just how in the fucking fuckcan a grown man feel a sexual attraction to a 14 y.o.? A 14 y.o. is a child whether they look like it or not.
Muschany surprised many in political circles by announcing in late May that he was not running again this November. At the time he said he wanted to spend more time with his family.
Another Republican protecting the sanctity of marriage between a man a woman and sex with a 14 year old.
Time to send his ASS to Pound Me In The Sphincter Federal Prison for some butthole bingo with Bubba.
Rethugs have no respect for females of any age.
Come on, do not sugar coat things. Tell us how you really feel. Personally--as a 50 something male--I have always thought that it is sort of the BIG truck thing. Inadequate men prey on children because it makes them feel more adequate. Where do inadequate men predominate? Statistics do not lie in this case. Spitzer notwithstanding, most are Republicans.
I wonder if he told her, "This is going to happen anyway-- might as well lay back and enjoy it." That seems to be the Repukes' big fav new line.
Assholes, everyone-- including Lieberwhore, who thought it funny to use the line last week.
when you live in such a repressive political party --- you are bound to have tons of these sick bastards --- and Muschany is just another example of how totally sick the entire party is...
There's no denying that the Republican party of recent years attracts politicians who have some serious sexual problems.
Could it be they are safe surrounded by people who don't question anything?
There are so many men stuck at 14, the age of their first refusal. How they and several hundred thousand others who should win the Darwin awards reach adulthood is beyond me.
If you feel powerless in your own life, if you feel less than adequate, you will continue to seek out those who you can impress, sway or have power over. That is not a relationship.
Muschany co-sponsored a bill in 2006 that toughened sex offender laws.;jsessionid=E27FE1053364461364A0578C5B05EAC0?diaryId=6415
Ironic....but yet typical.
yes, distributorcap...repressive seems to be the key...
certainly no mind twister about the Catholic church & it's rule of abstinence for priests...and what happens next...
So goes those very afraid & uptight people who feel comforted by a large group of people telling them that to be afraid is good, so follow us & hate all that results from free thinking...
So much easier to follow than to pursue challenges.
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