August 7, 2008

Are You Fucking Serious?

Editor's note: Today we have a rare treat from the eldest and only female seed of my(undeniably liberal) loins regarding some important women's issues. She has turned out to be a fine liberal vermin like her father. Read and enjoy.
Addendum: I hope this is ok with you, maru, it's your blog, afterall.

Hello blogosphere! For the sake of the blog names you can call me Hez-Mo. I am the UndieLib's eldest seed and the only female. Dad has granted me the honor to post on this wonderful blog for the second time, however, this time I am actually posting about something! So without further delay, here it is.
I was about to lie down for an afternoon nap so I checked my e-mail. Let's just say so much for the nap! I received an e-mail today that really pissed me off, so here I am. Like father like daughter I guess. I get e-mails from Planned Parenthood regarding recent government actions about once or twice a week. Today, this video was in the newsletter...

What a fucking idiot...He obviously didn't do his homework before he opened his mouth. For those who aren't following the story, the Department of Human and Health services released a proposal on earlier this week that would make birth control a form of abortion. Leave it to this fuckface to totally misinterpret the whole idea. No wonder our country is going to shit, people actually listen to idiots like him and are completely misinformed about what the real issue is. Last time I checked, Bill O' FuckingDumbass does not pay for my health insurance which doesn't pay for birth control HOWEVER, fully covers abortions, whether medically necessary or not. Nice, huh? They also cover Viagra, so basically it's a medical condition when that old fart can't get it up to play butthole bingo with Senator McSame, but endometriosis, which a lot of women including myself treat with birth control, is not.
If this proposal actually goes into effect, it will mean that not only with birth control be hard to find but even more expensive.
For more details on the specifics of this proposal, I would recommend checking out The Huffington Post and to those interested in taking action, click here.
Thanks guys, this was actually pretty fun. I know I am not quite as quick witted as the great UndieLib and Maru, but I'm still a rookie so bear with me ;) Until next time...
