Presented without comment, except to say that if you were worth 5 million smackaroons, you'd be rich right now. And getting huuuuuge tax breaks.
The much ballyhooed economic stimulus has failed.
Those families were supposed to spend the dough immediately, thereby stimulating the economy, staving off recession, creating a half-million jobs, and most importantly, making members of Congress re-electable. The stimulus' chief achievements, however, were to raise this year's budget deficit to almost a half-trillion dollars, not counting the continuing deficit spending.
Those families were supposed to spend the dough immediately, thereby stimulating the economy, staving off recession, creating a half-million jobs, and most importantly, making members of Congress re-electable. The stimulus' chief achievements, however, were to raise this year's budget deficit to almost a half-trillion dollars, not counting the continuing deficit spending.

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