After eight years of disaster after unmitigated disaster from numbheaded drooler Drinky McDumbass, this twathole is ready for more. A piece by a mouthbreathing troglotard at the American Expectorator will have you reaching for your hurlbuckets:
"OK. I'll walk out on a limb. This election has already been decided. It's over. The winner is John McCain. While other cultures put a premium on thinking (the French) or order (the Germans), Americans want our presidents to respond just as we do in our culture -- with their gut. The next time you see Obama in an unscripted TV appearance watch his face as he does this and you will see it in a flash. Obama is...yes...thinking."
Oh GAWD, the horror! Is this what we want from our next president and next leader of the free world? Thinking??? When he should be blindly overreacting and turning our enemies into headless, spurting meatfountains in a puddle of glass?
Jeebus fucking Christ on a motorcycle. What... the... fuck is wrong with these assclowns???? There's nothing manly with being a reactionary cowboy jerk -- and after the past 8 years we should all be very aware of it. Bah. Fuckwit.

um, excuse me, but it's "FAKE cowboy jerk", i do believe.
he's NOT into cows, ranching, horses, hard work, feeding, milking, cleaning stables, or anything remotely related to ranching, cowboying or ANYTHING like any of that. it's FAKE. all of it. including the presentation and rumor of having a brain. allllll fake as shit. false unreal, bogus and patently ridiculous as cowboys don't do silver spoons, so he could never ever relate. he doesn't even do "oil". which is the Tejass way of ranching for some.
no offense, maru. you know i love ya ta pieces.
Also, I've seen McCain NUMEROUS times being halting in his speech - - like he's TRYING to think of something to say but can't. He's NOT 'Mr Unihibited' and, in a way, I don't expect any presidential candidate to be that way. They all try not to say anything that the press will jump on, so they all pretty much choose their words VERY carefully, which of course often makes for boring and phony-sounding speaking.
That being said, it's really stupid of this rim-job rightwinger to criticize a candidate for THINKING! It's just an empty cheap-shot - - like their "he's too popular, so he's got a 'cult of personality' and he's ultimately the anti-Christ"...
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