"The U.S. presidential election presents a sharp contrast between two types of patriotism --"John McCain stands as a war "hero," a former prisoner of war who has adopted the slimy, shameless and dishonest tactics of his captors. And by his "captors" I mean "Karl Rove."
"His rival Barack Obama calls Americans back to the can-do spirit of the nation."Cool, right? Inspiring? But it doesn't end there! It turns into a mushy and one-sided paean to Saint and former Prisoner of War McWarhero, brimming with that fawning MCM manlove we've seen time and time again:
"As a Navy pilot, McCain was shot down over Hanoi in 1967. He was stabbed, beaten, tortured and imprisoned for more than five years, including two years in solitary confinement. The appeal of that biography, encapsulating triumph over adversity while serving one's country, was apparent on Saturday in televised interviews with each candidate by a leading pastor, Rick Warren, at his megachurch in California.Golly! The fact that soldiers that are actively serving in the military donated to Sen Obama by more than 6 to 1, ummm, just ignore that part.
"Nowhere is McCain's war hero status shown more clearly than in his bond with military veterans, a group held in higher public esteem in the United States than in most other Western countries."
"In November the candidates will find out which style appealed more to voters in this time of war and economic uncertainty..."... the manly America's American American war hero, or that exotic "not fundamentally American" black guy from Indonesia and some other island.
My fucking head.

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