August 6, 2008


McInsane: the sound of motorsickles = "the sound of freedom!" Whatever, you crazy old fuck.

House GOP holds entirely-apropos-ly named 'rump session.' Assholes.

George Duhbya: "Ah'm a real cowboy!" (warning: pic may be unsafe for work, brain)

2 tiger attacks show tougher laws needed. Against shitheads!!!! Honestly, I think its the humans that need to be caged up.

Egypt to DNA-test 2 fetuses from King Tut's tomb -- fetuses? Why haven't we heard of this before? Cool, though.


Anonymous said...

Egypt to DNA-test 2 fetuses from King Tut's tomb -- fetuses? Why haven't we heard of this before? Cool, though.

I had the same reaction. My recently deceased stepfather was a boy of twelve when they punched into the pyramid and discovered the wondrous world of the dead Tut, and told me once about the sensation that the discovery caused at the time. Seriously, the entire world was caught up in Tutmania for a while.

The aftereffects are quite present here in Hollywood, spawning a number of buildings with egyptian themes, like-- oh obvious example, the Theater called The Egyptian.

The mummified fetuses are supposed to have been stillborn offspring of the Tutman, by the way.

As a former Archaeologist, all I can say is I would give anything to have been there in 1922 when Carter finally broke the tomb's seal.

Virtual tours available here.

Anonymous said...

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