August 6, 2008

Bunnypants being big weenie to Drooly McSenile

Wehhhh: Preznit CrashTest Dummy is not doing anything to help fellow repug McBush --

Amid these very bad weeks for John McCain's hopes for victory in November, the cruelest blow of all is surely that [the Deciderer] has plainly decided to let McCain sink, without even pretending to toss a life belt to his fellow Republican.

Two mean-spirited men by nature, Bush and McCain have never liked each other much, and this natural animosity was fanned by the vicious nomination fights of 2000, when Bush routed McCain with salvoes of slurs, including one about a black "love child" supposedly disfiguring the senator's escutcheon. {"Escutcheon"? Get a fucking grip, dude. Who do you think you are, Bill Buckley?? - Ed.}

I don't know about that, it seems as though McBush forgave him a while ago. But it does sounds like Karl will need to have another little talk with Preznit Goober.

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