August 9, 2008

Senile McFarthead gets punked

For once, the MSM (Newsweek) shows a tiny bit of integrity and gets the facts straight on Grumpy McStain:

McCain released three new ads with multiple false and misleading claims about Obama's tax proposals. A TV spot claims Obama once voted for a tax increase "on people making just $42,000 a year." That's true for a single taxpayer, who would have seen a tax increase of $15 for the year – if the measure had been enacted. But the ad shows a woman with two children, and as a single mother, she would not have been affected unless she made more than $62,150. The increase that Obama once supported as part of a Democratic budget bill is not part of his current tax plan anyway.


Anonymous said...

Watch for a 'restructuring' at Newsweek, with the reporter & editor of this article assigned to the Nome,AK office.

deuddersun said...

Good post. We can't let the Republi-cons "swiftboat" Obama like they did Kerry.


Anonymous said...

Wow, the brain really is an interesting thing. I thought this said "Seth MacFarlane Gets Punked" and so I kept clicking it expecting to go to some story about the creator of Family Guy getting punked. The picture of Brian the dog didn't help matters. Finally after my fourth click I looked closer and realized it said Senile McFarthead.