September 18, 2008

The reign in Spain confusing to McCain

Another McThuselah gaffe has America-hating Americans, global leaders facepalming: McSenile almost creates an international incident when he refers to President Zapatero -- the leader of a major NATO ally -- as a rogue Latin American commie terrist.

Really. Think about it: Mr. Foreign Policy Experience has no idea who the Spanish Prime Minister is. Or where Spain is. Or Afghanistan. Or the the difference between Sunni and Shiite. Or what his position is on the economy. Or immigration. Or regulation. Or where he left his pants. What makes anyone think he'd be a good choice for president??

In a related story, McCain did not invent anything today.

Update: the McInsane campaign clarifies: the geriatric old liar is well aware of the prime minister of Spain -- he MEANT to insult him. Great.


Anonymous said...

McSame on Spain fails mainly 'cause he's lame.

Distributorcap said...

you forgot he thinks iraq and pakistan border each other