McRove's irresponsible and moronic campaign strategy is hurting him, says a new poll by the NY Times/CBS News/Duh Institute.
Twenty-one percent of voters say their opinion of the [meanspirited Cranky McFusepants] has changed for the worse in the last few weeks. The top two reasons cited for the change of heart are McCain's attacks on Obama and his choice of Sarah Palin as running mate.
LOL. And he's under pressure from the rightwing blogodrome to bring Ayers up at the debate tonight.
Sixty-one percent of those surveyed say McCain is spending more time attacking his opponent than explaining what he would do as president.
One in three voters say they have heard "a lot" about Ayers, and 31 percent say they have heard something about him, though far fewer -- 9 percent -- say the association bothers them.
One in three voters say they have heard "a lot" about Ayers, and 31 percent say they have heard something about him, though far fewer -- 9 percent -- say the association bothers them.
Oh, my freaking sides! ☺ ☺ ☺
McSame continues to be hurt by his ties to the hugely unpopular republican president, George Dumbass Bush, whose approval rating is in the toilet at a pathetic yet hysterical 24 percent. More than half of registered voters surveyed say they expect the Bush-hugging McCain to continue Drinky the DisasterMonkey's so-called economic policies if he is elected.
(Slightly paraphrased for clarity)

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