Fumbling and inconsistent, peevish dodderer John McSame has turned his campaign into a smear machine 'instead of a debate about urgent and timely issues.'
In its editorial, headlined "Dangerous America," Le Monde expresses special concern about the ugly race-baiting that has characterized the campaign of John McCain, the fumbling Bush clone who has become the republicans' presidential candidate, and his [venomous, braindead] sidekick, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.
[T]he republicans have spoken little about Obama's proposals in such areas as energy or finance. Instead, they are "tolerating and often encouraging racist slander, xenophobic hate and venomous rumors" of the kind that feed the "bigoted and suprematist extreme right." If McCain should win the contest for the presidency "in such conditions," Le Monde cautions, "violence will threaten America."
Canada's Globe and Mail notes in an editorial today: "Mean or desperate. It is difficult to find any other adjectives to describe McCain's decision to turn much of his campaign into a smear machine. More important is what the McCain campaign's late-game turn toward the outright demonization of a genuinely popular and thoughtful opponent could mean for the republican Party and the United States as a whole."
[T]he republicans have spoken little about Obama's proposals in such areas as energy or finance. Instead, they are "tolerating and often encouraging racist slander, xenophobic hate and venomous rumors" of the kind that feed the "bigoted and suprematist extreme right." If McCain should win the contest for the presidency "in such conditions," Le Monde cautions, "violence will threaten America."
Canada's Globe and Mail notes in an editorial today: "Mean or desperate. It is difficult to find any other adjectives to describe McCain's decision to turn much of his campaign into a smear machine. More important is what the McCain campaign's late-game turn toward the outright demonization of a genuinely popular and thoughtful opponent could mean for the republican Party and the United States as a whole."
"For the sake of his country, he should just shut the fuck up and fight out the remainder of the campaign on what little actual policy he has," they almost added.

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