October 8, 2008

Go ahead -- make my day

Ignoring all the polls of independent voters who turned thumbs down every time McFusepants attacked Obama last night, the campaign is intending to use "That one" as much as they can between now and the election. Politico reports on an email going around Rebooblia:

The most memorable line of the night belonged to John McCain. McCain pointed out that “That One” vote for the 05 energy bill. Look for Republicans to note in coming days that “That One” also voted for higher taxes at least 94 times; “That One” has associations with unrepentant terrorists, etc…
Sure, it'll play great for the wingnut base, but they're going to vote for him anyway. It'll turn off the independents and undecideds in droves. The GOP: Grampa's Out-of-touch Prickheads.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"That One" is soon going to be president of these here United States of America.

McCain, on the other hand isn't going to get another chance to run.

For him... this is it.

Must be horrible to watch, impotant ( even with huge doses of viagra ) as all your hopes and dreams sail blissfully over the horizon, never toreturn.... and to have it LOST to a black man.... horror of horrors... HA HA HA HA HA

Couldn't happen to a nicer rage-a-holic.