October 8, 2008

McFailin Wins!!!!!111!!!

America's American American straight talking American maverick routs Oba.....Instant Polls Find Obama Won Debate

CNN poll of debate viewers: That One 54%, McNohandshake 30%
CBS poll of uncommitted voters: That One 39%, McNohandshake 27%
Obviously, great news for Rethuglicants


Anonymous said...

Does Uncle John realize he strides a historical tipping point in American history?

His performance is that of an arrogant, old brat.

We are limping into this new century, hardly in control of our own destiny anymore.

Young Senator Obama recognizes this moment in time. It is now or maybe never.

Anon said...

I don't know why that coffin dodger prefers the Town Hall style debate. He looked like a barely animated corpse.

maru said...

He really looked bad. Almost lock-the-crazy-old-guy-up-in-the-attic bad.

Undeniable Liberal said...

I actually couldn't believe my eyes....at the time I thought it was the weed.

maru said...

Yeah, and it was even BEFORE all those shots whenever he said "my friends..."

Undeniable Liberal said...

He said that alot. A drink AND a bong hit for everytime he said here.
I'll never do THAT again......until the next debate.