Just think..... Bush/McCain wanted us to invest our social security money in the stock market... that was a fun idea! It's too bad that evil liberals stopped them from privatizing Social Security giving us those wonderful Personal Accounts!
Americans' retirement plans have lost as much as $2 trillion in the past 15 months, Congress' top budget analyst estimated Tuesday.The upheaval that has engulfed the financial industry and sent the stock market plummeting is devastating workers' savings, forcing people to hold off on major purchases and consider delaying their retirement, said Peter Orszag, the head of the Congressional Budget Office.Maybe there are better ways to help the economy and protect 401ks than by handing over blank checks to the very crooks who robbed us in the first place. Speaking of lowlife smegma swilling crooks,
AIG executives spent $500,000 at an exclusive resort just days after the U.S. government agreed to spend $85 billion to protect the giant insurer from collapse, according to Rep. Henry Waxman, the California Democrat who chairs the House Oversight Committee.Here is what really went down(besides the high priced hookers). The meeting was held to decide how to pay back the bailout money. Now wouldn't you want them well rested nourished and manicured so they could figure out how to pay you back? They did this for you!!I'll bet that it was a very important meeting to get the company "back on track".

It was only $440,000. Lighten up.
pay the execs the same amount as a welfare mother and let them learn to live on that
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