November 11, 2008

Lieberman has photos of me naked. With sheep, admits Reid

On Friday, instead of ripping his shrivelled traitor nuts off, Harry Reid offered insufferable quisling Joe the Lieberman the chair of the Veteran's Affairs Committee in lieu of his current ownership of the Homeland Security Comm -- but the sanctimonious douchenozzle said no, it wasn't acceptable.

Not acceptable. After everything... not... fuh... shit. Oh, and get this: Mr Surge Lieberman, one of the Iraq war's biggest boosters, turned down helping vets because it just wasn't an important enough position for him. What a turd. Not... fucking... acceptable. […. major fucking headpounding ensues…. ] And as for drippy, tone-deaf jellyfish Harry Reid...

A source says this issue will now likely be dealt with by the full Senate Democratic caucus when it meets on November 18th, after amending the Senate beastiality law.
Dumbass. WTF are you doing, assclown?? He's still making deals with pudfaced doof Mitch McConnell to caucus with the pukes! Let him! Even Sen. Obama wants him around! Gah. Arrrggghhhh. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Patrick C said...

Being in an optimistic frame of mind today, I'm wondering if this isn't a deliberate attempt by the Dems to make Lieberman look bad by turning down the opportunity to take care of the veterans of a war which, as you say, he supported.

Hope springs eternal, anyway... :)

Anonymous said...

I don't want that fucker anywhere NEAR my VA medical care, or my Disability.


You BET that's unacceptable. He never convened his Homeland Security Committee ONCE in his time as Chairman. FUCK THAT!

And fuck Joe The Douchenozzle Lieberman. HE is NOT needed OR acceptable.


Anonymous said...

Sent a nice lengthy fax to each of my two senators tonight - to their main local New Jersey offices where these letters may get more attention.

Used my law firm header.

Used logic to detail why it was not even pragmatic to keep Lieberman in the caucus [if he has an ethical center, he will vote for cloture against partisan filibiusters of issues in the best interest of the county. And if he has no ethical center, it would not matter whether he were within or without the caucus'];

Also quoted the Washington Monthly article on why Lieberman - Mr. inaction - might be frothing to retain oversight over Pres Obama via that committee - to raise his own quotient as an 'independent' at our president's expense...]

I recommend use of the fax machine to one's Senators...

rdale said...

The slang word for Reid in German is washlamp: dishrag. I'm so sick of this Mormon wuss; if you know the lingo he sounds just exactly like the guys on North Temple in Salt Lake City who intone "hate the sin, love the sinner" as they send their flying monkeys off to California to drop a load of hate on Teh Gay.