November 11, 2008

Poised for a political comeba...

The popular war preznit has regained his footing... oh, I'm sorry, Mr Broder, make that 'the aWol Disaster Monkey's newest poll numbers show he is even more unpopular than Richard Nixon ever was.'

Belief that the country is heading in the right direction is at an all-time low:

16 percent of those questioned in a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday say things are going well in the country today. That's an all-time low. Eighty-three percent say things are going badly, which is an all-time high.

But relief that the country is heading in a left direction is at an all-time high:

So far, Obama seems to be meeting the public's high expectations. Two-thirds of all Americans have a positive view of what he has done since he was elected president, and three-quarters think he will do a good job as president.

Then there are the hate-radio troglodytes and freerepukelick's full-retard knuckledraggers:

"I've been racking my brain [sic - Ed.] to find methods of openly, actively, and legally opposing this tyrant in the making. Any suggestions?"

-- Faux News' Sean Hannity asking his website visitors for their help in how best to attack Obama. Oh, I've got a suggestion for you. Oh yes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I've been racking my brain [sic - Ed.] to find methods of openly, actively, and legally opposing this tyrant in the making. Any suggestions?"

Eeeewww, gross. Stop racking off in public, Sean.