Right. Us Demoncraps with our nasty Bush Derangement Syndrome should just let it go and bask in all the flowers-and-butterflies magic-pony love that has taken over the land and turned the rest of America into sappy, happy little bluebirds. Right. Well, you know what? Either let's see you re-tards start practicing what you're whinging about, or fuck you.
Ignoring the waves of Obama/Clinton/Dem hate eminating from rightwingnut sites, hate radio gasbags, conservatard authors and Faux Nooze commentators, the USA Toady's Ross K. Baker wistfully asks
In this season of reconciliation and hope that we can rise above the corrosive polarization of recent years, a chorus of angry voices has pressed aggressively for criminal charges to be brought against former president George W. Bush, former vice president Dick Cheney and members of the intelligence community thought guilty of constitutional violations or of practicing or sanctioning torture.
This "movement," if one could call it that, makes a mockery of the spirit of generosity and compassion to which President Obama is dedicated.
This "movement," if one could call it that, makes a mockery of the spirit of generosity and compassion to which President Obama is dedicated.
Weh weh weh 'decency and fair play.'
"Thought guilty of"?? Fuck that. There's no question about it! Fuck people like this trying to pooh-pooh the past eight disastrous years of the misadministration shitting all over the Constitution and basic human rights. Fuck them for trying to burnish the failure-in-chief's legacy of illegality and incompetence. Fuck them for trying to brush their war crimes under the rug. A commenter adds:
Torture, rendition, politicizing the Justice Department and failure to honor congressional subpoenas clearly rise to the level of high crimes. If Obama truly believes the law is sacrosanct, it is his duty to pursue an investigation of the Bush administration, no matter where it leads. This is the only way to prevent future executives from engaging in even more serious abuses of power. It's the rule of law boys, remember?
In a related story of reconciliation and hope, rethugs are actively lobbying to kill President Obama's economic stimulus plan.
Fuck 'em.
Exactly right as usual, Maru! Especially the closing remark about the rethugs actively lobbying to kill Obama's stimulus plan. I accidentally heard some Repuke on NPR (they with their distorted sense of fair-time) from the House going on about 'oh we have to balance the budget and hard choices will have to be made and everything should be on the table' -- and then I had to quick change the station before I drove myself into a tree in frustration! These self-same assholes who promoted ALL the policies that got us into ALL this shit -- INCLUDING the 10 trillion $ defecit -- right up to a month ago, now are sage financial advisors?!?! WTF -- WHERE is the media?? They should be doing the simple shit like playing the Congressional recordings of these assholes from 6 months ago, or reprinting their voting record, instead of just relaying their comments without any context!
Exquisitely phrased. As always.
The Republicans have no leg to stand on - on ANY issue! They've proven themselves completely gone mentally, ethically, and in reputation and so should be ignored if not demonized, hunted down and jailed by us citizens and the media.
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