March 24, 2009


Rushthuglibots implore Darth Cheney to go back to his undisclosed location

Congressional Republicans are telling Dick Cheney to go back to his undisclosed location and leave them alone to rebuild the Republican Party without his input.
Displeased with the former vice-president's recent media appearances, Republican lawmakers say he's hurting GOP efforts to reinvent itself after back-to-back electoral drubbings.
To which the Sith Lord responded: Go fuck yourselves.


maru said...

This is great... he's gonna come after them and rip their throats out with his teeth! lol

Capt. Bat Guano said...

Ahhhhh, I love the sound of self destruction. Sounds like a good Death Match episode, Darth Cheney vs Rush Pedobaugh.

Grandpa Eddie said...

Isn't there a new NFL stadium being built somewhere?
We could do a Jimmy Hoffa with him...then everybody would be happy!

Anonymous said...

And it's actually almost* better than if the Dems had shown some balls and impeached him and his feckless puppet W - - NOW we won't have to listen to that 'post-Nixon' crap about how the 'liberals & the media unfairly persecuted' and drove Cheney/W from office, cause the Repubes are doing it themselves. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of assholes -- too bad the country had to get so fucked-up in the process, but 'each generation has to re-learn the same lessons'.

(* Though it still reflects poorly on the Dems, who appear to 'just let things happen')