Repuke bloggers are getting all pissy and butthurt because the drive-by media is not reporting on their teabagging demonstrations. Ewwwwwww. fdl quotes from the conservaturd blog powerdump:
"The tea party movement continues to gain steam, as anti-tax increase, anti-bailout, anti-ballooning deficit citizens turned out around the country today...One emerging theme is the absence of press coverage, especially at the national level. For some reason, reporters and editors believe it is not news when thousands of people, all around the country, gather to protest the government's bailouts, trillions in debt, etc. And yet, when a mere forty people turned out in Connecticut for an ACORN-sponsored bus tour of homes owned by AIG executives, there were more media people covering the event than there were people on the bus. So let's see: conservative and libertarian opposition to the government's economic initiatives--not news. Far left opposition to the government's economic initiatives, no matter how few participate--that's news. But of course, not a single person reading this will be surprised."
And adds
"Assrocket links to photos of Teabagging in Orlando, FL, Raleigh, NC and Ridgefield, CT -- the last of which drew a staggering 200 people."
Because really: would YOU want to watch a bunch of knuckledragging, toothless, beergutted droolers teabag each other? Come on. Maybe if their protests involved setting themselves on fi... naw... hmmmm.
A commenter on teh intarweb adds
"[J]ust curious, but where were all these god-fearing rugged individualists when Bush decided to spend 3 trillion dollars bombing a stone age country back into the stone age and listen-in on their childrens' sex calls to their lonely wives when they were serving in Iraq, and torture innocent people and then throw them into jail for 7 years with no rights? Oh right, they were busy having sex in bathroom stalls and banging prostitutes in diapers."
Teabaggers in NYC 3/13:

Massive demonstration of thousands!
Teabaggers at La Boca Vista, Fla:

"Meh! Stop the blueberries! My cat is ringing!"
Nobody cares about these fuck-wads. They always blow-up their numbers anyway.
Besides, like you said, who the fuck wants to watch a bunch of douchebags 'tea-bag' each other. That would be fuckin' totally gross!
Please don't ever stop blogging. I'm trying to explain to my very Limpball Repub husband what is so funny about this librall blog I read. Stop the blueberries!!!
Stupid fucking dupes, doing the dirty work for the 2 percenters who are the only people actually facing a tax increase. Go the fuck straight to hell assholes, you had 8 years now it's our turn.
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