April 1, 2009

Bum bum bum!

♫ ... ominous music ... ♫

Palin out as headliner for GOP dinner.

Sarah Palin is out, and former [sic] adulterous horndog Newt Gingrich is in as keynote speaker at a Republican dinner this spring.

Freetard Failin fanbois are dismissing "hysterical sources" at lieberal sites Politico and Faux Nooze that say she was disinvited and are instead reporting that its her 'responsibilities in Alaska' that are preventing her from committing to the speech. We'll look forward to hearing her regrets on Larry King Live, Greta van Subterranean, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Fox and Friends, Good Morning America, Dancing With the Stars and Morning Joe.

As for inviting Gingrich, National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Ken Spain said the GOP "decided to go in another direction."

"Speaker Gingrich is a leader," Spain added.

Whoa! Someone's going to be getting his house toilet-papered tonight.


Grandpa Eddie said...

Heh...and all the way through the campaign the Rethugs kept saying that Moosebreath was an experienced leader>

What happened...did somebody unleader her?

Rhode Island Rules said...

If Newt (or Palin) were sane people, neither one of them would show themselves on a public stage again. They would quietly seek employment elsewhere or buy a Subway franchise.

These are not sane people. These are clueless, shameless, needy narcissists who have to HAVE TO be in the spotlight. It isn't them we should blame, it is the news channels and newspapers that keep taking them seriously and giving them airtime and columns.

Please...step away from the crazy people. Save the United States of America from shameless self promoters. Please....

Anonymous said...

"Larry King Livebarely, Greta van Subterranean, Sean Handjobity, Pill O'Lielly, Fox and Fux, Good Morning sickness America, Dancing With the B Listers and Mourning Ho."

There. fixed it for ya.

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