I'm just imagining the repug response to the quote below. Poor, poor beleaguered rightwingnuts. The ones that outnumber us socialist Islamocommiedefeatohomofascists so much that their slogan is "We surround them!"
"What will it take to get these hatemongers yanked off the airwaves? Free speech is one thing. Inciting violence is quite another... as is allowing certifiable psychos to have their own televised platforms."
Never gonna happen, even though it should. Scary bastards.

I'm wondering if there is anything the FCC can do to put a stop to these idiots. We can't watch boobs on broadcast TV, why should we have to listen to boobs on the radio!?!
I wonder if they've pried that rifle from his cold, dead hands yet.
My littlest kid came home and asked us why the FBI doesn't handcuff these right wing incite the rubes to revolution talking heads and fly them off to GITMO.
We told her that if you're a card carrying member of GOP-istan you can scream from the roof tops to incite mass murders freely instead of becoming prisoners in GITMO for what others were accused of thinking.
GE - good one about the 'cold, dead hands'!
BB - yeah, and don't let your 13 yr old kid wear a t-shirt with a pic of W in a crosshairs, or the FBI will visit him at school!
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